Wednesday, September 20, 2017

From Ogden,Utah. It's been another good day with cool temperatures and clear skies. I think I made 300 miles today, heading north through Utah. For the first 200 miles, I concluded that nobody lived in Utah. It was all desolate but beautiful area. The colors of the grand escarpments changed from the Moab reds to sandy and grey, but they were equally stunning in their own way.

Here is a link to a few photos I took:

After examining the situation last night, I decided to head north because the path through Nevada had very few places where I could find a motel. The motels in the small cities that were about my range had no vacancies already. I was worried about finding a place, so I decided to head north now rather than later. I knew I could find a motel in the Salt Lake City area, and I had never been through there anyway. From here, it looks to be about three good days to the coast - Boise, Idaho, Silver Lake, Oregon, and then Port Orford, Oregon.

But the weather forecast for tomorrow shows 80% rain in one weather app. Other apps are showing less chance. It might be a rest day for me. We'll see what the weather looks like tomorrow. You know, you can never trust those weather forecasters! Best to just look out the window and see if it is raining.

Today's ride was on some main highways with a good bit of fast traffic, not the pleasant back roads. So I was pushing the little TW to keep up. I don't know why, but I was expecting the elevation to go down a good bit, but the road went back up to 7,200 feet at one point. Salt Lake City is about 4,200 feet. As I went up, my bike started losing power again, so I stopped and reset the carburetor and that helped a lot.

Then about 90 miles from Ogden, I found out where all the people are in Utah. It was solid development for the last 90 miles. And the road had a stop light every half mile all that way. After two hours and 65 miles, I finally decided to jump on I-15 and get to my motel to rest.

That was exciting! The speed limit was 70, and I was chugging along mostly at 55. People were passing me right and left, sometimes quite literally. On a good run, I can hit 60. One time an 18 wheeler passed me. I got caught in his turbulence and got pulled along at a whopping 62 mph! Big thrills in Utah!

It's been a good day, but I am beginning to realize just how big this country is from coast to coast. I called Sarah this afternoon and asked, "Why did I think this was such a good idea?" She certainly didn't know. I don't either. It's just out there. One of those things that has to be done. It doesn't matter if I enjoy it or not, it just has to be done. But I am enjoying it. It's hard to sit on a small motorcycle for eight hours or more, but it is still very interesting. I love seeing whatever comes by. And I love having a feel for the lay of the land from state to state. You never know what beautiful things you will see unless you get out there and find out for yourself.

And the good part is that for the first time in my life, I have no commitments. I don't have to be back at the end of a two week vacation from work. If I am back in two more weeks, that would be good. If it takes me three weeks, that's Okay too. My next commitment is the first weekend in November when I am supposed to go to Pikeville to preach at my old church there. Surely I can make it back by NOVEMBER! I think I have 12 more riding days. But I don't expect to be able to ride every day because of weather, and who knows? I may decide to take a rest day. Hey! That may be tomorrow.

Hope you are enjoying the craziness!

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